Antonio Jesús Alba Boza

Desarrollador web front-end

Outsourcing de proyectos

Si ya dispone de un diseño, o tiene claro lo que necesita, puede confiar la parte de desarrollo web de su proyecto. Ponerlo en marcha y darle vida es cosa mía ;)

Código Limpio y optimizado

Usar código estándar en mis desarrollos es una obsesión. Documentarlo como corresponde, un hábito. Siempre teniendo en mente el rendimiento final del sitio web.

Diseño web Responsive

Tu web lucirá igual de bien para todos los usuarios, sin importar el dispositivo (cross-platform) ni el navegador (cross-browsing) desde el que acceda. Siempre a punto.

Experiencia de usuario

Un buen diseño mejora cuando da gusto usarlo e interactuar con él. Hacerlo fácil y amigable para el usuario es mi reto de cada día. Tu web será única.



    VisualizeUs is a social bookmarking site for pictures. In this project I worked with the migration of the layout based on the CSS framework Bootstrap, turning the website responsive and easily adaptative for all devices.



    PressPeople is a platform that serves as a meeting point for journalists, news sources and media agencies. In this project, I was responsible for the redesign and layout, working with the development of new features, such as Media Agencies profiles. is an advanced image server, which allows to use the same image in different sizes and with multiple format options and effects. I collaborated with the design and front-end development of the site.



    Resultados-Fútbol is the main social network of football in Spain. Collaborate with them as responsible of front end since 2012, time in which I have participated in various redesigns and upgrades for the website, both desktop and mobile.


    BeSoccer is the international version of Resultados-Fútbol, multilingual with leagues, matches and teams from around the world. As in Results-Football, I work as a contractor for the front end planning and development of the website.

    Alquiler Villa Rural

    Alquiler Villa Rural

    Web for information and booking of two rural Villas Axarquia. I developed both the design and the web layout and web programming.

    Se Admiten Mascotas

    Se Admiten Mascotas

    Frontend development of Se Admiten Mascotas, a website booking hotels pets allowed.



    Bedrural is a project of Antonio Hermoso, where I work as a technical part. Web Development landing page to attract early adopters website hosts.

    Onda Azul Málaga

    Onda Azul Málaga

    As an employee of the company "Genera IT", I collaborated with front-end development of the Onda Azul Málaga WebTV.



    As an employee of the company "Genera IT", I collaborated with the front-end development RedVerde a user community Bioconstruction ecological materials.

    As an employee of the company "Genera IT", I collaborated with the front-end development a site dedicated to basketball.



    In my first professional experience (2006-2008), I was dedicated to web programming, in CMS and management applications. For Internalia company, I collaborated in the development of numerous projects, among which are the Club El Candado, Sleazy Records, Manilva, Yunquera, Monza360, among others...